It’s Thank You Thursday, and we kickoff the final month of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge.
Have you ever stopped to appreciate your stuff?
What is something you have that you really like? What is something you have that makes your life easier?
Did you ever stop to realize there was someone behind your stuff?
In 1934, Clyde Champion Barrow took time to write Henry Ford a letter expressing his appreciation for his Ford. Here’s the note:
Dear Sir: –
While I still have got breath in my lungs I will tell you what a dandy car you make. I have drove Fords exclusivly when I could get away with one. For sustained speed and freedom from trouble the Ford has got ever other car skinned and even if my business hasen’t been strickly legal it don’t hurt enything to tell you what a fine car you got in the V8 –
Yours truly
Clyde Champion Barrow
Apparently, there is some controversy about this note. Clyde Champion Barrow is part of the notorious Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde were killed while they were trying to outrun police in their Ford Model B. Some have questioned whether or not the note is real.
Regardless, I think it’s a fun reminder for us to be thankful for the things we have and for the people behind these things.
One thing I’m thankful for is my new running shoes. I’ve been running in Asics for the past several years. This week, I switched over to Brooks. The new shoes feel like I’m running on a cloud. The right pair of shoes makes all the difference in enhancing your running experience. Your shoes impact your feet, your knees, your back, and even your mind. My thank you note this week will be going to Jim Weber, President and CEO of Brooks Running. I’ll thank him for creating a product I enjoy!
It’s Thank You Thursday, and we are coming to the end of the 2nd month of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. One more month to go!
Do you need some new ideas for writing a thank you note? Today’s post should get you thinking.
Helped with your homework
Stayed late to complete a project on time
Encouraged you to take a leap of faith
Washed the dishes without being asked
Gave you a ride
Watched your dog while you were on vacation
Washed your car
Walked you through a computer problem
Proof read your English paper, book project, or blog post
Fixed a broken appliance
Prepared a delicious meal for you
Went grocery shopping for your family
Visited you in the hospital
Donated to your missions trip fundraising
Held the door open for you
Warned you about an oncoming obstacle
Babysat your children
Carried your groceries to your car
Listened to you when you were down
Responded with grace when you messed up
Paid for your coffee
Took your place, so you could do something else
Gave you a gift
Prayed for you
Commented on your blog
Introduced you to a new friend
Helped you get a new job
Shoveled the snow off your driveway
Assisted with a home improvement project
Brought you to a new place
Stretched you and helped you grow
Hung out with you when you just needed a friend
Just because
My son, Isaac, is a great example for others to follow. Last week, he had his braces removed. It was a “fun” process for the whole family. Isaac dealt with the pain and hassle of the braces. Leanne and I dealt with financial pain of paying for this process. And Leanne spent a fair amount of time carting Isaac to and from the orthodontist.
When Isaac had the braces removed and he saw the finished product, you could tell he was appreciative. This past summer, he had the opportunity to go to Guatemala with our family. While he was there, he saw kids and adults with all kinds of dental issues – missing teeth, crooked teeth, and decaying teeth. I think this may have amplified his appreciation for his orthodontic opportunity.
The night the braces were removed, Leanne and I were greeted by a thank you note as we headed to bed.
The note read:
Thank You
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank You for providing the money to get my smile correct! I know it was a lot of money and I’ll try my best with the retainers. Thanks again!
It was a simple note, and it left a big impression.
You are not too old or too young to write a thank you note.
Start today. Express your gratitude to others.
How has a simple thank you note changed your world? Why are you thankful today?
Today, I remind you that writing thank you notes is for everyone. It doesn’t matter how busy you are. It doesn’t matter how “important” you are. It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are. You can write thank you notes no matter who you are!
Here’s a thank you note from someone you might recognize.
The note is written to Yann Martel, the author of Life of Pi. In case you can’t read the image above, here is what is says:
Mr. Martel –
My daughter and I just finished reading Life of Pi together. Both of us agreed we prefer the story with animals.
It is a lovely book – an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling.
Thank you.
Barack Obama
Can you imagine the look on Yann Martel’s face when he opened the envelope and read this note?
I bet the note made his day.
You don’t have to be famous like Barack Obama. You have the power to make someone’s day by sending them a simple note.
Who is getting a thank you note from you this week?
It’s week 6 of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. Here’s some encouragement to keep you focused.
Writing thank you notes requires time, thought, and intentionality. Just like writing a blog post, you cannot expect to rush through the process. If you want a quality note that makes an impact, you have to be specific in giving thanks. You want to provide enough detail to make sure the recipient knows you noticed. You want it to be neat. In other words, it has to be legible. The recipient will be able to read the note, and they will see that you took the time to honor them through the note.
Obviously, we want our thank you notes to mean something – especially to the recipient.
Often, I receive feedback from the recipients of my thank you notes. They thank me for thanking them. It provides a great opportunity to thank them again. (It’s a fun cycle of gratitude!) But there are also times when I don’t hear anything from the recipients. This is just fine with me. I have to trust they got the note. If you are part of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge or the Thank You Revolution, you can’t write notes to get feedback from others. When you write thank you notes, your focus should be on giving – not getting.
But here’s the interesting thing, your thank you notes are having an impact.
Your thank you note came at just the right time for someone. Your note provided encouragement to someone. They kept going, because you noticed them. They kept going with a bigger smile and extra pep in their step, because you wrote them a thank you note. But that’s not all. Your thank you note encouraged them to be more thankful. They started saying thank you to others. In fact, they started writing thank you notes to others, because they received a thank you note from you. They may not have signed up for the Challenge or the Revolution, but they started writing thank you notes more regularly. As a result of their thank you notes, others were impacted – others started writing thank you notes – more people were recognized and encouraged – and more people felt appreciated. And it kept going from there.
Can you see how this thing grows?
Your simple, thoughtful thank you notes are having a huge impact. They are impacting people you may never meet. They are impacting people in ways you may never know.
Is it worth writing a thank you note this week?
You bet! Now get to it. Your notes of thanks are having an impact!
How have you been impacted by someone’s thank you note to you? How have you seen the impact of your thank you notes to others?
It’s Thank You Thursday, and we are now at the fifth Thursday of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge.
Honestly, I look forward to this day each week. I enjoy surprising someone with a hand-written thank you note.
I wonder what your response has been so far. Have people been surprised by your hand-written note of thanks? How has the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge changed your outlook on things? Do you have any stories worth sharing?
As I was thinking about my thank you note for today, I realized how many people I have to thank. I thought I’d share ten of the people on my list who might just be getting a thank you note from me in the near future. Perhaps, it will expand your thought process on who should be getting one of your upcoming notes.
Now, it’s your turn. Who is someone worth thanking this week? Leave a response in the comments.
It’s the 22nd day of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. Today (or sometime this week), you should be writing your fourth thank you note to a deserving recipient. It’s about time I get Matt McWilliams to chime in here on the challenge. Matt’s bio is at the end of the post, but I’d like to add my two cents. Matt is the “founder” of the Thank You Revolution. He blogs daily about life and leadership, and he has a contagious energy and enthusiasm. After you read this post, leave a comment, and write your thank you note, head over to Matt’s blog for some more encouragement worth reading.
Jon and I keep telling you to write thank you notes.
But you say “I don’t have time for that.”
Excuse me? You don’t have five or ten (or thirty if you really go crazy) minutes a week to completely change your life? Yes, I said that.
And no, that is not an exaggeration.
Want to know what the wealthiest of the wealthy do? They write thank you notes. On paper. With a pen. And they pay for the postage. And they started long before they were wealthy.
Because that’s what successful people do. They do things that 90% of the population says they don’t have the time to do. Like writing handwritten thank you notes and putting smiles on the faces of others.
Money isn’t the only reason to start this habit. It’s a good one, but far from the only one. This habit also changes you on the inside. Do you know what really happens inside of you when you write a thank you note? Find out here. That post will rock your world.
The Revolution will change you. It will cause you to act differently.
It will cause you to smile more.
It will even change the way you treat people.
I don’t say this because I think it’s true or hope that it happens to you. I say it because it’s happened to me and it’s completely backed by science. I prove it here.
So, I’ve told you now that this simple practice is like a magic formula to make you wealthier, healthier, and happier. What are you going to do with that?
You have two choices:
Blow it off.
Broke, unhappy, and less healthy.
It’s time to decide.
How have hand-written thank you notes impacted your life?
BIO: Matt McWilliams is from the south but reluctantly lives in Fort Wayne, IN. He blogs about personal growth, business, and leadership at and tweets about the #ThankYouRevolution and more at @MattMcWilliams2 (don’t forget the 2 or you get an egg).
How’s it going so far?
If you’re like me, life has already become busy in the new year. I’m trying to keep up with my goals for the new year. So far so good. But it’s definitely been a challenge with the pulls and pressures of everyday life.
Sticking with the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge requires you to be intentional. You have to prioritize your time and carve out a few moments to write at least one thank you note this week. When things get busy, it’s easy to forget. Here are somethings to help you remember.
What helps you remember to write thank you notes? How have any of the above items helped you with the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge?
It’s week 2 of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge.
If you haven’t committed, it’s not too late. Go to the original post by clicking here to see how you can jump on the Thank You Revolution bandwagon.
How did week 1 of the challenge work out for you? Did you send a thank you note? Did you hear back from the recipient? How did they respond?
As I was thinking about this week’s Thank You Thursday post, I kept coming back to the phrase – Attitude of Gratitude.
Do you think an attitude of gratitude comes naturally?
I’m not so sure. I think most of us are selfish and self-centered by nature. It takes intentionality to break free from the chains of selfishness. I think it takes practice. This is why I believe in the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. It’s not just about doing something cool to start the new year. It’s not about bringing fame and fortune to my blog or to Matt McWilliams. And it’s not about making a name for yourself.
The 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge is all about helping you develop a pattern of appreciation for others. It’s about fostering a discipline which leads to an attitude of gratitude.
In the weeks to come (maybe even this week), you may not feel like writing a thank you note. You need to push passed this feeling and write a thank you note to someone in your life who is deserving. Who will it be this week?
What helps you to have an attitude of gratitude?
A few weeks ago, I challenged readers to consider joining the Matt McWilliams’ Thank You Revolution for 90 days.
It’s not too late to jump on board. In fact, this is the perfect time to get started with a weekly ritual of writing at least one hand-written thank you note each week for the next 13 weeks. You will be amazed at the impact of this simple discipline. [Go back to the original post to see just how easy it is to join the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. Click here.]
Dear Steve,
Thanks so much for working over the holiday week while everyone else was off.
You did such a great job holding down the fort and keeping our customers happy while most of our team was on vacation. Additionally, thank you for helping us finish the month and quarter as strong as possible.
I’m so thankful to be apart of this team with people like you. You set a great example for others to follow.
Best Regards,
So what are you waiting for? Join the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge TODAY!
Who is getting your first thank you note today and why?