33 Reasons To Say Thank You
It’s Thank You Thursday, and we are coming to the end of the 2nd month of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge. One more month to go!
Do you need some new ideas for writing a thank you note? Today’s post should get you thinking.
33 Reasons To Say Thank You
Helped with your homework
Stayed late to complete a project on time
Encouraged you to take a leap of faith
Washed the dishes without being asked
Gave you a ride
Watched your dog while you were on vacation
Washed your car
Walked you through a computer problem
Proof read your English paper, book project, or blog post
Fixed a broken appliance
Prepared a delicious meal for you
Went grocery shopping for your family
Visited you in the hospital
Donated to your missions trip fundraising
Held the door open for you
Warned you about an oncoming obstacle
Babysat your children
Carried your groceries to your car
Listened to you when you were down
Responded with grace when you messed up
Paid for your coffee
Took your place, so you could do something else
Gave you a gift
Prayed for you
Commented on your blog
Introduced you to a new friend
Helped you get a new job
Shoveled the snow off your driveway
Assisted with a home improvement project
Brought you to a new place
Stretched you and helped you grow
Hung out with you when you just needed a friend
Just because