Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition – Wednesday 2016
Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last.
Lawrence Welk
Sunday, I introduced the Thanksgiving Tablecloth Tradition. This is a tradition our family started 15 years ago, and it has helped ensure we intentionally reflect on God’s provision in our lives over the past year. To read more about the tradition, click here.
This week, I’ll be sharing the things I’ll be writing on the tablecloth this year. (Monday, I shared the first thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth. Yesterday, I shared the second thing I’ll be writing on the tablecloth.)
I’m thankful for the people God has put around me this year. And I’m grateful for the mastermind concept that seems to be part of my life. Jim Rohn says, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most with.” And there are some great people around me these days.
I’m thankful for the Catalyst Mastermind. This is a group led by my friend, Ellory Wells. This group of individuals has pushed me to try new things.
I’m thankful for the Stretch Man Mastermind. This is a group I started in September to help men stretch to become better husbands, better fathers, and better men. (I’m planning to open up new spots for this group in January. Let me know if you are interested in talking to me about it.)
I’m thankful for DIBs. This is a group of men I meet with every Friday morning at 6AM. We call our self Dudes In the Basement (DIBs), because we meet in the basement at one of the member’s homes. This group is committed to meeting for the next 20 years, and it’s a place where I am challenged spiritually.
I’m thankful for the Siemens Foundation Leadership Program I attended in April. Specifically, I’m thankful for a group of Siemens leaders from North and South America who meet with me every other month to help each other become better leaders for Siemens.
And I’m thankful for Toastmasters. This is a mastermind type of group which has helped me become a better leader and communicator. Because of my involvement in Toastmasters, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to speak and interact with many people from around the area.
I thank my God every time I remember you. Philippians 1:3