You Need a Sounding Board – Why You Need a Mastermind Group

A sounding board is a good listener, and either confirms what they hear or offers an opinion when the sound they hear is “off key”.
Urban Dictionary
Yesterday was a busy day at the office. I spent most of the day reviewing a project our sales team is trying to get. In these cases, my job is to make sure the sales team has included the right amount of labor in their estimates, and I check to see if they’ve considered different aspects of the project that might come up as the project moves from start to finish. In a way, I am a sounding board for our sales team to make sure they go into a project with our best feet forward.
After I finished reviewing the job, I made it back to my desk for a few minutes before heading over to the office of one of my co-workers. I needed to touch base with him on a small issue, and we hadn’t had time to talk all day. As we finished talking about my issue, he asked if he could run something by me. Without going into details, he was wrestling with an issue, and he was trying to figure out how to address it.
We talked about the possible outcomes based on the different ways he could proceed. I did some of the talking, but he did a lot of talking. At the end of the conversation, he had settled on a path forward. I think he knew the right answer all along, but he needed a sounding board.
You and I need people in our lives who will listen to us and give us feedback along the way. We need sounding boards.
One of the things I love about being in mastermind groups is that I get to use the group as a sounding board and they get to use me as a sounding board. The people in the group listen to my issues, and they give me feedback. Ultimately, they help me get to an answer to move me forward. I get the opportunity to do the same for the other members in the group.
If you are wrestling with questions about how to become a better husband, a better father, or a better man, you should consider signing up for the Stretched Men Group. This is a mastermind group that I facilitate that helps men takes the next step or two in their journey. If you need a sounding board, this might just be the group for you.
To find out more about the group, visit After looking at the site, sign up for a free (no obligation, no pressure) call with me to see if this group is right for you.
The Stretched Men Group has made a big difference for several men and their families, and I’m getting ready to launch the next semester (3 month commitment).