Time To Be A Real Man

Let men see, let them know, a real man, who lives as he was meant to live.
Marcus Aurelius
In the story of Pinocchio, a wooden puppet comes to life and gets to play with the girls and boys. Despite his ability to talk, to move, to jump and play, Pinocchio is plagued by one desire. He wants to become a real boy.
In today’s world, it’s not that much different, there are a lot of men out there who are confused. They want to be real men, but they simply don’t know how.
Society is sending them conflicting messages. In the pursuit of keeping up with the Jones’, men are distracted from their true calling.
Deep down inside, men want to be the best husbands they can be for their wives. They want to be the best fathers they can be for their children. They want to be the heroes this world needs them to be. Men want to be real men.
Does this sound like you?
Marcus Aurelius seemed to know that men have a deep desire to live as they are meant to live. Wouldn’t it be amazing if every man got this? Wouldn’t it be incredible if every man unchained themselves from the expectations that feel others are putting on them.
Imagine a world where men lived the way they were meant to live!
I want to help you become a real man. I want to help you figure out the next steps you need to take on your journey to becoming a real man.
Over the past couple of years, I have had the privilege of leading men on this journey through the Stretched Men Group. This mastermind group for men is all about helping men stretch into the men they were meant to be.
The group meets every other week for a three-month semester. Each meeting lasts about an hour-long (sometimes a little longer). Zoom (video meeting software) is used for these meetings. The guys in the group are committed to learning and taking action to become real men. When we meet, I typically teach for 10-15 minutes on a relevant topic to becoming a real man. Then we take the rest of the time to wrestle through one of your issues as a group (we call this the Hot Seat).
Guys who have participated in the group so far have made significant changes in their jobs, in their marriages, in their relationships with their kids, and in their faith.
Spots are now open for the next semester of the Stretched Men Group, and I’d love to have you in the group.
To find out more, simply fill out the form below (or go to www.stretchedmengroup.com). Once you fill out the form, I will reach out to you to schedule a FREE 30 minute call where I can answer any additional questions you have about the group.
Use the start of 2018 to do something for you that will have a ripple effect on your world now and for generations to come.