Ten People To Thank

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It’s week 5 of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge!

It’s Thank You Thursday, and we are now at the fifth Thursday of the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge.

Honestly, I look forward to this day each week.  I enjoy surprising someone with a hand-written thank you note.

I wonder what your response has been so far.  Have people been surprised by your hand-written note of thanks?  How has the 90 Day Thank You Note Challenge changed your outlook on things?  Do you have any stories worth sharing?

As I was thinking about my thank you note for today, I realized how many people I have to thank.  I thought I’d share ten of the people on my list who might just be getting a thank you note from me in the near future. Perhaps, it will expand your thought process on who should be getting one of your upcoming notes.

10 People To Thank

  1. The guy at the gym who opens the door at 5AM every morning.  I need to get his name.  Seriously, he opens the door right on time at 5AM every morning, so “gym rats” like me can get their morning workout in before heading off to work.  It’s a thankless job.  You have to get to the gym well before 5AM to unlock the doors, turn on the lights, and make sure everything is ready to go for the other employees and for customers like me.  This is one guy who deserves a thank you note.
  2. Cathy.  I’ll leave her last name out.  She is the person who arrives at our office early every morning to greet employees and answer the phones as people come in first thing in the morning.  She has other duties to attend to the rest of the day, but she’s the one who comes in for the first hour to make sure there’s someone at the front desk while employees arrive.
  3. Sally.  Again, I’ll leave her last name out.  A couple of weeks ago, we came up with the idea to have a Chili Cook Off at the office tomorrow afternoon.  She has taken the idea and run with it.  There are at least seven people bringing chili into the office to share with the rest of the office.  There will be a trophy for the winner of the best chili.  And employees will be wearing their favorite football team shirt.  This would not happen without Sally who wants to make sure our team has fun working together.
  4. Matt.  He’s the new groups pastor at our church.  He is creatively trying to figure out ways to get people plugged in at our church.  I am part of a men’s group meeting on Wednesday nights where men are talking about things like prayer and what it means to be an authentic man.  This group wouldn’t happen without Matt.
  5. Dan.  He’s the scoutmaster of my son’s Boy Scout troop.  This could really apply to any of the adult leaders in the troop.  Dan and the other leaders pour so much time and energy into our boys.  They are a great example, and I’m glad my son can look up to people like Dan.
  6. Mrs. Krown.  She’s the band teacher at the middle school where my son goes to school.  During jazz band season (December through April), she gets to school extra early to lead jazz band rehearsals and sectional rehearsals to make sure the band is ready for each of its performances.  Each week, I drop Isaac off at the school at 6:40AM, and Mrs. Krown is there ready to go.  She does this three or four days each week.  Wow!
  7. Coach Geist.  He’s one of the track coaches at the high school, and he focuses on the distance runners on the team.  I appreciate his energy and enthusiasm for the sport and for teaching students like my daughter to become better runners.  I get to see him at the various track meets, and I am convinced he is one of the biggest cheerleaders for each of the distance runners on the team.
  8. The spouses of my team members.  This could be many names.  Each of them are providing the support and encouragement necessary to keep my team members on track to do their best while their at work.  I’m so thankful for each of them and the role they play in making my team successful.
  9. Reviewers.  I won’t give the names out just yet, but there are a handful of people who are helping me along with a book project I am working on.  This past weekend, I sent out an outline for my project, and I am already getting very valuable feedback which will give me insight into how to proceed in the next step of the writing journey.
  10. You.  I’m so thankful for the people who read and comment on this blog.  While I hope I can encourage others through my writing, I know without a doubt that you are a huge encouragement to me.  THANK YOU!

Now, it’s your turn.  Who is someone worth thanking this week?  Leave a response in the comments.