On Track Book Launch Update

On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is coming together.  I wanted to give you a little update on the launch.

The book front cover design is complete, and the editor returned the manuscript to me on Friday.  In addition, the book has picked up a few endorsements.  Here is what people are saying so far about On Track:

“This small book packs a big punch. When Jon writes about his races, I feel as though I am there. He draws me in and then promptly gives me a life lesson to take away. Whether you’re an athlete now, have one hidden inside, or have never so much as laced up your running shoes, read Jon’s book to discover how to get your life ‘on track.’”  Matt McWilliams, entrepreneur, leadership guru, author of The Power of Gratitude (www.mattmcwilliams.com)

 “This well-written, easy-to-read book is a great reference for any runner.  But it’s so much more.  Jon Stolpe teaches us great strategies for winning the race, both on and off the track.  This little book is packed with lessons for runners and lessons for a life of faith.  Take an hour to read this book.  I guarantee that you’ll be motivated to run the good race.”   Dan Erickson, musician, teacher, author of A Train Called Forgiveness and At The Crossing Of Justice and Mercy (www.danerickson.net)

 “I have known Jon for over 7 years, and followed his blog since its start. I find his unique perspective on life so very intriguing, and refreshing. It is not often that you find a writer who integrates his faith, his hobbies, his family – his life – into his writing. ‘Get out and live your life’ is not just a catchy quote from his book. Jon shares how life can be lived as a race that can be run at your own speed, but it’s a race you need never run alone. With his faith out in front, On Track, is a great example of how to live a life with God right by your side. No matter if you are starting, finishing or just trying to get in the race, you will find something inspiring to take with you.”  Diane Karchner, Life Coach, author of Losing the Mask (www.dianekarchner.com)

 “Jon is a runner. At times a reluctant runner, but that’s what makes On Track so enjoyable. It’s not a book written by someone who never struggles or has all the answers. It’s a book written by a real person who has learned a thing or two about how similar a relationship with God is to running. Jon includes great quotes, Biblical insight, and personal experience into a book that can speak to the seasoned or rookie runners in life.”  Rob Shepherd, pastor, author of Even If You Were Perfect Someone Would Crucify You (www.robshep.com)

I’m excited and anxious to release the book.  I had originally planned to launch the book on Monday, March 31, 2014.  After careful consideration and timely advice, I’m moving the launch date back to Tuesday, April 22, 2014.  This will provide more opportunity to strategically release the book.  If you’d like to be part of my launch team and pick up a preview copy of the book, let me know.  You can e-mail me at jon@jonstolpe.com, and I will send out a preview copy to you later this week.  I am looking for people who can read the book, write a review on Amazon.com and possibly on their blog the week of April 21-27, 2014, and promote the book to their friends, family, and social media contacts.

On Track will be sold on Amazon.com, and there will be a special discount available for subscribers to the Stretched Newsletter.  Check out this post to find out how to sign up.