eBook Review: You Are A Writer (So Start ACTING Like One) by Jeff Goins
Today, I’m excited to share about a new eBook resource for writers that will be available in the next couple of days from Jeff Goins. In You Are A Writer (So Start ACTING Like One), Jeff shares tips and encouragement for writers.
First, Jeff who blogs regularly at goinswriter.com challenges readers to change their attitude about writing. He encourages readers to take on the title of “writer.” I have always considered myself to be an engineer, a father, a husband, and a leader, but thanks to Jeff I now consider myself to be a writer.
You Are A Writer provides key advice for finding your voice as a writer. Jeff explains how to build a platform, how to establish a brand, and how to utilize channels of connection. As a blogger for the past four or five years, I came away from You are A Writer with valuable information that will help me grow in my writing.
Finally, Jeff shares his insights in how newer writers and take the next step towards publication. You Are A Writer provides step by step essentials for progressing from a closet writer to becoming published in magazines and on-line to writing your own book. This eBook is an excellent resource that I will come back to again and again in my pursuit of becoming a better writer. You Are A Writer has my recommendation.
Thanks, Jeff, for sharing your writing experience and knowledge with us!
Are you a writer? What’s your next step in your writing journey?
Update 5/2/2012 from Jeff Goins: The website http://youareawriter.