2000th Blog Post

It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached.
Mike Huckabee
When the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land, they marked the occasion by setting up twelve stones as a reminder of the journey they had endured and as a reminder of their heritage.
Today, I write this post as a way of setting up a pile of stones to remind me of my journey and to mark a significant milestone on this journey.
I’m a numbers guy. I count things and people and other crazy things all the time. I even count blog posts.
Today, I’ve reached a milestone – my 2,000th blog post.
When I started blogging over nine years ago, I didn’t have plans or of intentions of reaching this target. I simply planned to write one day at a time, and this remains my plan.
And yet, I think it’s important to stop to celebrate, reflect, and recognize this milestone in my own writing “career.”
When I graduated from high school, I specifically pursued a career in engineering to get me away from writing. I did okay in high school English class, but it was a lot of work. Math and science always came easier for me. When I arrived at Grove City College, I soon learned that my high school English was necessary and important to help me survive and thrive in the collegiate environment.
When I graduated from college and pursued an engineering job, I figured my writing was finally behind me. I was wrong. I used my writing skills on a daily basis to write letters, memos, and emails to customers, clients, and coworkers. I wrote technical documents on a regular basis to describe my engineering documents.
I couldn’t get away from writing.
And then, my friend introduced me to the blogging world. And something changed.
I developed a new-found love for writing. I enjoy the discipline of writing on a regular basis. I appreciate the effort required to articulate the “stretchy” thoughts running around in my head. And I like the process of putting something together for others to read.
Writing has provided an amazing opportunity for me to tap into the creative side of my brain. And it has pushed me to new heights and helped to forge new friendships.
2,000 blog posts is a milestone, but it’s just a start.
I have more to say. I have more to write.
Here’s to the next 2,000 blog posts.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting. And thanks for being part of the Stretched Community.