Nine Years Ago – A Blog Is Born


Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

Lou Gehrig

9 years ago yesterday, I published the very first post on my blog.  In a couple of weeks, I will be pressing ‘Publish’ on my 2,000th blog post.

It all started when my friend, Frank, encouraged me and challenged me to start a blog.

When I started, I’m quite sure I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.

Blogging has been an incredible discipline in my life.  I’ve explored many areas of my thoughts on the “pages” of my blog.  I’ve stretched out loud, and I’ve challenged others to stretch on a variety of topics including:  marriage, family, parenting, faith, leadership, and missions.

Blogging has also been the springboard for my connection with people from around the world.  I’ve connected with people in Australia, Germany, England, and Canada (and many other countries).  I’ve connected with people in California, Texas, Georgia, Washington, and Hawaii.  I’ve even met people around my own community as a result of my blog.

Blogging has forced me to learn about SEO, affiliate marketing, guest posting, self-publishing, and list building.  And it’s made me realize how little I really know.

Blogging helped me realize a dream of publishing my first book.  It helped me take a leap of faith.  And it is helping me realize a goal of building 100 houses in Guatemala one house at a time.

In many respects, I feel like I’m just getting started.  I have more ideas to share.  I have more stretching to do.  And I have more to learn.

What will the next 9 years bring?  I sometimes wonder.  I’m hoping to write and publish more books.  I’m hoping to find a way to couple my love for writing and stretching others to support my love for building houses in Guatemala for widows.  I’m hoping to start a mastermind group for dads and husbands as a result of my blog.  I’m hoping to build a legacy for my family, my friends, and my followers.  And I’m hoping to keep stretching.

How does somebody blog for 9 years?  I sometimes get this question.  It starts with one idea – one blog post – at a time.  It starts with a willingness to be transparent and vulnerable and an understanding that everyone won’t like what you have to say.  It starts with an acceptance of imperfection.  And it starts with a decision to repeat it all again the next day or the next post.

I’m so glad I started down this journey 9 years ago, and I can’t wait to post again tomorrow!

When you’re in the day-to-day grind, it just seems like it’s another step along the way. But I find joy in the actual process, the journey, the work. It’s not the end. It’s not the end event.

Cal Ripken, Jr.

What were you doing 9 years ago?  If you started a blog today, what would you say?  Share your thoughts in the comments.