Favorite Christmas Movies

This afternoon, I spent 4-5 hours putting up icicle Christmas lights at our house. This was the first time putting up lights outside at any of the houses we’ve lived. I now know how much work is involved in putting them up, and I’m already hoping that it doesn’t involve so many acrobatics and so much time to time take them down. While I was putting them up, I was reminded of one of my favorite Christmas movies, Christmas Vacation. In this movie, Clark Griswold (played by Chevy Chase) spends a good portion of time putting up lights on his house trying to outdo his neighbors. It’s certainly a must see. While I’m thinking of it, here’s a list of some of my other favorite Christmas movies:

8. The Santa Clause (Tim Allen makes multiple appearances on this short list)
7. Home Alone (slap stick comedy at it’s finest)
6. The Muppet’s Christmas Carol (funny, what can I say)
5. A Christmas Carol (this will always have a sentimental side to it for me, because my parents took me to see the play in Chicago for my 7th or 8th birthday)
4. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation (see my notes above – the Jelly of the Month stuff always makes me chuckle as well)
3. A Christmas Story (believe it or not, I looked just like Ralphie Parker when I was a kid)
2. Christmas with the Kranks (great movie, better book – what is Christmas all about anyway)
1. It’s A Wonderful Life (best Christmas movie of all time, hands down)

Let me know about your favorite Christmas movies. I’d love to check them out.

Until the next post, I triple dog dare you to stick your tongue to that pole…