A Different Twist On Happiness
“Whatever makes you happy!”
“I just want him to be happy!”
“Are you happy?”
We live in a culture that is focused on the pursuit of personal happiness. We go after the next big promotion, the next big toy, the next big experience, the next big relationship, and the next big investment thinking to ourselves “This will bring me happiness!” (Maybe it’s a big bowl of popcorn.)
My guess is these pursuits may bring us temporary happiness, but this feeling of euphoria eventually fades.
What if we thought about happiness from a different angle?
Last night, Leanne and I saw a new movie featuring Joe Boyd and Rebecca St. James, A Strange Brand Of Happy. Before you get all excited, it wasn’t my favorite movie, but I did enjoy the date night experience with my wife (who loved the movie). I won’t go into a major review here – that’s not the point of this post. The movie did get me thinking about happiness.
Did you ever think that we might make God happy?
I’m not sure if I ever thought about it this way before.
Imagine with me for a minute that you are a parent (that’s not too difficult for many of us). How do your kids bring you happiness? For me, I’m happy when I see them using their gifts and talents. For example, I’m happy when I watch Hannah run. I’m happy when I see her using her unbelievable Spanish skills. I’m happy when see her heart pouring out into her actions. I’m happy when I hear Isaac playing the piano or trumpet. I’m happy when I see him caring for others. I’m happy when he just wants to be around me.
The movie suggests that we make God happy, and I think I get it. When we are using our gifts and talents, we make God happy. When we are operating in our area of passion, we make God happy. When we just want to be around Him, we make God happy. Maybe this is the kind of happiness we should be pursuing.
What do you think? What makes you happy? What are you doing today that brings God happiness?