Ice Breaker – Cars Of Our Childhood

Happy Friday!

Friday means Ice Breaker here on The Stretched Blog.  Each week, I ask a question that helps to break the ice so to speak.  I answer the question in the post, and you answer the question in the comments.  The weekly Ice Breaker has become a fun way to get to know the Stretched Community.  Feel free to read the other comments and leave comments on the other answers that readers provide.  This week’s Ice Breaker should be fun!

Question:  What car(s) did your parents drive when you were a kid?

My Answer:  I don’t remember all the years of the cars, but I remember a few of the cars.  My folks had a Yellow Chevy Vega and a Brown Chevy Nova when I first came along.  Then they transitioned to a Brown ’72 Chevy Impala.  They kept that car for a long time.  When they finally sold it (or gave it away – I’m not sure), it had over 212,000 miles.  The Impala was replaced by a Diesel Chevy Chevette and a 12 passenger Ford Econoline van.  It’s funny how these cars became integral parts of our family.  I wonder if our kids will have the same memories of the cars that we’ve had.

Okay!  Now, it’s your turn.  Let’s hear your answer in the comments.  Thanks for sharing!