Ice Breaker – My First Car
It’s that time of the week again…time for an ice breaker question! Since it’s the first ice breaker of the year, I thought I would ask a question about firsts. For those of you who are new or who forgot, ice breaker questions are used to help people get to know each other – to “break the ice” so to speak. I love hearing what other people have to say and how they think. So for today, I’m excited to throw out another simple ice breaker question. I’ll answer it first, then it’s your turn. Answer the question by leaving a comment for us all to enjoy. Thanks!
Question: What was (or is) your first car?
My Answer: Here you go….
My answer will be pretty simple. My first car was a 1974 Chevy Nova. It was midnight blue with a white hard top. It had a straight six cylinder engine in it, and I could stand next to the engine if I lifted the hood. The Nova had four doors and a JVC stereo that I installed. The ceiling fabric was falling down, so I used push pins to hold it up. It had an Oakley sticker in the back window. The Nova felt like it was floating when I drove down the highway. I’ll always have fond memories of the Nova.
So there you have it, my answer to the question. Now it’s your turn….I can’t wait to hear what you’ve got to say!