I Have A Confession

I have a confession to make.
I suck!
Before you tell me to put an end to my self-limiting beliefs, give me an opportunity to explain.
I want to come across as having it all together. I try to be positive. I try to be confident. I try to come across as the expert. I’m a perfectionist, and I want everything just right.
Here’s the problem: I don’t have it all together. I’m not always positive. There are times when my confidence is lacking. I don’t know everything. And I’m a perfectionist with more imperfections that I care to admit.
Several weeks ago, I announced the 7 Week Stretch Challenge. (You can sign up for it today by clicking here or by filling out the short form below.)
In each of the weeks of the challenge, I focus on various topics designed to help you grow (STRETCH), help you move forward with more intentionally, and help you make a bigger difference. Here are the topics for each week:
- Week 1 – Still yourself.
- Week 2 – Take note.
- Week 3 – Reflect.
- Week 4 – Engage in key relationships.
- Week 5 – Try something new.
- Week 6 – Community (plug-in).
- Week 7 – Help others.
If you sign up for the challenge, I send you an email each week focusing on these things. I picked these topics, because I know you need to work on these things.
Do you know how I know this?
I know you need to work on these things, because I need to work on these things.
I suck at taking time to be still. I suck at taking note of the things going on in my life. I suck at taking time to reflect. I suck at engaging in key relationships. I suck at getting out of my comfort zone to try new things. I suck at putting aside my own wants and desires to plug into community and to help others.
I need to work on these things, and you do to.
The 7 Week Stretch Challenge is for you, but it’s also for me. If you haven’t jumped on board yet, sign up below.