Book Review: Quitter by Jon Acuff

Quitter by Jon Acuff has been on my “to read list” for a while now.  I’ve followed Jon Acuff for several years now as he made the transition from corporate employee and at-home blogger and speaker to full-time writer and speaker with the Lampo Group (Dave Ramsey’s company).  As a blogger myself who works in the corporate world during the day, I was curious to hear more about Jon’s journey and about his advice for someone like me.

In Quitter, you’d expect to hear Acuff push readers to quit their day jobs and jump right into their dream jobs.  His advice isn’t quite so dramatic.  He encourages readers to stay with their day job and to find reasons to like their day jobs.  Then he challenges readers to chase their dreams outside of work with a focus and hustle that will allow the dream to develop to the point of being self-sustaining.  He also shares valuable perspective on balancing our dreams and the rest of our lives.  His confessions of failure along the way hit home for me as he shares how he juggled his dream with his family life, social life, and day job life.

As a blogger, I can obviously relate to Jon Acuff’s personal story.  But I think the book applies to anyone whether your dream is writing, becoming a pastor, joining the circus, entering the education field, or selling cotton candy at your favorite baseball stadium.  I would definitely recommend Quitter to anyone who has a dream they are chasing.

While I’m not anticipating a change in my day job anytime soon, I appreciated the information and stories in Quitter.  The book definitely encouraged me to continue to pursue writing through the blog and through other outlets.  Quitter also confirmed my place in my day job.  And most importantly, Quitter reminded me about the importance of having my spouse on board as I go after my dreams.

What’s your dream?  What’s your day job?  How are you working towards your dream?  When was the last time you quit a job?

(Special thanks to Joe Lalonde.  I received Quitter from him as a reward for being one of his top commenters a couple of months ago.  For great tips and life and leadership, check out Joe’s blog by clicking here.)