Ice Breaker – Reading
Each week on The Stretched Blog, we ask an ice breaker question. The questions are designed to help us get to know each other here in The Stretched Community. I’ll provide my answer to the question here in the post, and then you can leave your response in the comments. While you’re in the comments section, see how others answered the ice breaker question.
Question: What are you reading now?
My Answer: I just finished Quitter by Jon Acuff (see my review by clicking here). I’m reading Selah a new 90 day devotional eBook by Joseph Iregbu that will be coming soon. The devotional focuses on GRACE and HOPE – two great topics. I’ll share more about the book in the coming days as I finish reading the book and participate in the launch team for this soon to be released resource. What’s next? Platform by Michael Hyatt is one of the books on my nightstand waiting for me.
There you have it – my answer. Now, it’s your turn. Answer this week’s ice breaker question by leaving a comment. I look forward to reading your response!