30 Days Of Thank You

Thank You Trash...

A month ago, I set out to be intentional in my gratitude.  I posted each day with a “Thank You” post expressing my appreciation for something or someone in my life.  This has been a great discipline.  We rush through life so rapidly.  We often forget to stop to count our blessings.  My Mom always sings a song called “Count Your Blessings”.  I remember thinking this was corny when I was a teenager (sorry Mom).  But I’ve learned that counting our blessings is a great way to find contentment.  These 30 days have STRETCHED me, and they have helped to establish a healthy habit of thankfulness is my life.

Before we get too far into December, I wanted to recap my Thank You posts from November.

30 Days of Thank You

Here’s a list of the Thank You posts from the month of November.

What stood out to you the most in November?  How was/is gratitude STRETCHING for you?

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