3 Thumbs Up! May 19, 2012
Time for another fun episode of 3 Thumbs Up! Each weekend, I present three things that deserve a thumbs up (in my opinion). This weekend provides a fun look at a blog, an iPad application, and something a little different from normal. Here goes!
Thumbs Up! Number 1: Jazz Music. What? This is way too general! I hear you, but I couldn’t help but add this to my thumbs up after a community jazz concert last night that featured my son’s jazz band from Perkiomen Valley Middle School West along with the jazz band from Perkiomen Valley High School. I spent a lot of time playing jazz music through junior high and high school. Hearing the bands and seeing the fun they have together reminded me of my days of playing the saxophone in the band. There’s something so wonderful and expressive about jazz music. If you get a chance this weekend, find some jazz music. Sit back, and enjoy!
Thumbs Up Number 2: Stitcher. Stitcher is a radio application for the iPad, iPhone, and Android. I downloaded this FREE app from the Apple AppStore, and I haven’t been disappointed so far. I’m currently listening to a jazz station from Pittsburgh. Through the Sticher application you can listen to hundreds of live radio stations, or you can listen to all kinds of on demand shows. I haven’t hooked up with any friends yet through the application, but apparently it can be used as a social media connection point as well. Check out Stitcher to see what I’m talking about.
Thumbs Up Number 3: The Scenic Route. This is a great blog by Eileen Knowles. According to Eileen, “The Scenic Route is one girl’s journey from bondage to freedom, from despair to hope, from fear to faith. It is my desire that those who come across this blog will be encouraged to take the scenic route too.” Eileen writes about everyday thoughts, pains, and struggles, and she ultimately shares the hope that carries her through life’s roller coaster. Her blog posts often remind me to stop and enjoy the journey. Consider adding The Scenic Route to your regular reading routine. Stop by, leave a comment, and tell Eileen that I sent you!
Now it’s your turn! What else deserves a thumbs up this week?