The Discipline Of Adventure

Life is either a great adventure or nothing.
Helen Keller
When I was in college, I wrestled with the idea of becoming a full-time overseas missionary. I wanted to help people. Part of me longed for the adventure that came with this kind of pursuit, but a major part of my was terrified of the unknown related to this decision.
As I’ve become older and I’ve taken on more and more responsibility at home, at work, and at church, my sense of adventure has continued to diminish. I have become reluctant to pursue things that may be a little crazy.
Recently, I was reading Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds (affiliate link) by Carmine Gallo, and he reminded me that we are actually made for adventure. In Chapter 4 (Team Me Something New), Gallo shares some quotes from arctic explorer, Ben Saunders: “In my experience, there is something addictive about tasting life at the very edge of what’s humanly possible.” Saunders goes on to say, “In life, we all have tempests to ride and poles to walk to, and I think metaphorically speaking, at least, we could all benefit from getting outside the house a little more often, if only we could sum up the courage.”
I don’t know what’s holding you back, but I think it’s time we all reconsider the discipline of adventure.
Life is too short to live in our comfort zone. We must relearn the thrill of doing something that scares us a little, that causes our heart to beat a little faster, and extends the boundaries on what we thought was possible.
You don’t have to go to the North Pole, to the moon, or to a strange land to practice the discipline of adventure (although these places may be where you end up someday). Adventure is waiting right outside your door. Get off the couch, and go do something that matters. Seek out adventure, and you might just be surprised by how much you stretch and by how much you learn about yourself.