Taking Time To Invest In The Next Generation

Leadership is not about the next election, it’s about the next generation.
Simon Sinek
I volunteer on Sunday night as an adult leader at my church’s high school youth group, and I have a confession: I don’t always enjoy it. I sometimes feel out-of-place. I sometimes feel like I’m the “old guy.” And I occasionally wonder if I’m making a difference.
(How did I become the “old guy”?)
This weekend, I was talking to my wife about some recent thoughts and observations regarding my role.
Without fail, I end up having a few conversations each week with students. These conversations confirm my initial decision to volunteer with this ministry.
Students arrive at youth group with all kinds of baggage.
- They are stressed out, because they have a big project, paper, or test due in the coming days.
- They are exhausted, because they are super involved in sports, music, or other activities.
- They are lonely, because they don’t have real friends.
- They are insecure, because they don’t have a secure and stable home life.
- They are confused, because they are flooded with conflicting messages at home, at school, and especially on-line.
- They are struggling, because they don’t fit in, they got involved with an unhealthy habit or relationship, and they are afraid to ask for help.
I can’t solve their problems, but I can be there to listen. I can give them feedback based on my experiences. I can be there to be a positive example in their lives. And I can be there to let them know they are valued.
In my discussion with my wife, I was reminded of the importance of plugging into those who are younger. If you are reading this, you more than likely have experiences and wisdom to share with others. You have the opportunity to become a mentor, an advocate, and a cheerleader for those coming behind you.
If you want to leave a legacy…if you want to be stretched, be intentional. Invest in those who are younger than you.
When you do this, you’ll discover:
- There is hope for the future.
- The next generation is full of promise.
- The youth of today can actually teach you.
- You can make a difference in the lives of those who are younger than you.
If you feel like you still have a long way to go (and we all have a long way to go), seek out a mentor for you.
I have a renewed respect for those who invested in me. I think of my youth leaders. I think of my teachers, I think of my bosses. I think of my parents. I’m guessing they had similar concerns about my generation, and yet they continued to invest in people like me. They listened to me. They encouraged me. They pushed me forward. They loved me, and they helped me feel valuable.
Now it’s my turn!
And it’s your turn too!
Who invested in you? How are you investing in the next generation?
For other related articles, check out:
- Mentoring – Am I Ready For This? (Jon Stolpe Stretched)
- The Discipline of Getting Feedback (Jon Stolpe Stretched)
- Mentor Like Yoda (Joseph Lalonde)
- How to Find a Mentor to Help You Go Further, Faster (Michael Hyatt)
- Why You Need A Mentor (Chris LoCurto)