My Last Five Podcasts


Podcasting has become the latest addition to the social media world.  More and more podcasts are popping up every day.  People I consider to be friends are jumping into the game with their own podcasts.  And I find myself listening to podcasts on my morning walk, during my commute to and from work, and while I’m working out at the gym.  There is a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom floating around in the podcasting world, and it sometimes seems like I cannot get enough.

If you are like me, you are always looking for new podcasts.  Today’s post is an opportunity to share the last five podcasts I listened to on my iPhone.  And I hope it’s an opportunity for others to share the podcasts getting their attention these days.

Which five podcasts did you listen to most recently?

Here’s my list.

My Last Five Podcasts

(1)  ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging with Darren Rowse

(2)  The Dave Ramsey Show

(3)  Organize 365 Podcast

(4)  1 Year Daily Audio Bible with Brian Hardin

(5)  How Did You Get Into That?  with Grant Baldwin

Answer today’s question in the comments (and please feel free to leave links).