7 Reasons I’m On Snapchat

I recently joined Snapchat.
My daughter and her friends have been using Snapchat for a while. Honestly, I didn’t get it at first when I watched her using this social media application. To me, it appeared that she was simply exchanging silly selfies with her friends. Even after I signed up, I didn’t get it. She talked about Snapchat “stories” and Snapchat filters. It didn’t make sense to me.
Then I listened to one of Cliff Ravencraft’s podcasts about Snapchat, and I started following him. Suddenly, I started to get it. I began to feel a better connection to Cliff and to Snapchat. And I began to become a more active Snapchat user.
7 Reasons I’m On Snapchat
- Snapchat provides a connection with the younger generation. I’m a volunteer youth leader for my church’s high school youth group. As one of the older leaders, I sometimes feel STRETCHED to connect with the students. Most of them are on Snapchat. Since I started using Snapchat, I’ve found another way to connect with the students.
- Snapchat gives me the opportunity to try something new. If you are part of the 7 Week Stretch Challenge, you may know that the challenge for week 5 is to try something new. Trying new things is a healthy discipline to keep us growing and challenged. Snapchat is one of the new things I’m trying.
- Snapchat provides a creative place to learn new things. A couple of weeks ago, I used Snapchat to share the repair process of my toilet. Afterwards, I had several people thank me for sharing this as it helped them learn something new. This applies to me as well. I’ve learned several new things thanks to the world of Snapchat.
- Snapchat provides a behind the scenes look into my life and into the lives of those I follow. My friend, Ellory Wells, said it was like recording the person who is recording the movie. I enjoy seeing how people do things. This isn’t always shown in a blog post, a podcast, or a status update. Snapchat shows viewers a glimpse behind the curtain.
- Snapchat provides a place to experiment. I’ve played with the orientation of my camera/phone as I’ve recorded Snaps. I’ve played with different filters and with different types of recordings. I love trying out different approaches to see what works well and what doesn’t work so well.
- Snapchat provides an opportunity to drive my kids crazy. Actually, this isn’t one of my goals. And my son watches most of my Snapchat stories. But I know it’s weird for them. Isaac makes fun of the way I often ask questions as part of my stories. And Hannah won’t even connect with me on Snapchat.
- Snapchat provides a fantastic way to connect with others. The video and photo exchange that happens through this platform is really cool. Here are some of the people I’m following (check them out):
- Cliff Ravenscraft (cliffeotc)
- Ellory Wells
- Rusty Pang
- Leslie Samuel
- Matthew Lovell
- Father Roderick
- Tony Brown
- itsamyrobles
- John Lee Dumas
- PatFlynn
- Adam Flora
If you want to learn more about Snapchat and how to use it, I’d encourage you to check out Cliff Ravenscraft’s excellent Snapchat tutorial by clicking here.
Finally, I’d love to connect with you on Snapchat. Follow me at Jon Stolpe (jonstolpe), and send me a Snap to say hello.