Meeting A Member Of The Stretched Community
Last night was pretty special.
I had the chance to meet with Steve Y.
If you’ve been a part of The Stretched Community for the past few months, you will realize that Steve Y is one of the regulars in the comments here on the blog.
Steve started following Jon Stolpe Stretched after he read a guest post I wrote for I Love Skippack (a blog hosted and written by Michael Shaw).
We met at a local ice cream place just down the road from my house. He immediately knew who I was when he pulled into the parking lot. After ordering our ice cream (I ordered my traditional favorite – Cotton Candy, and Steve had Black Raspberry and Orange Creamsicle), we enjoyed conversation for over two hours. It was pretty cool to catch up on some of the things shared on the blog and on other things as well. We talked about sports, family, and faith.
It’s incredible to me how God can bring people into our lives. Friendship like this is a great thing. I don’t know where this friendship will go, but I’m thankful for the chance to meet Steve. And I’m looking forward to our next get together so our families can meet and we can enjoy more ice cream.
Thanks, Steve!
When was the last time you met someone new? If you’re a blogger, how have you connected in real life with people from your blogging community? I’d love to hear your stories.