June 2013 – Top Posts and Commenters
Here are the highlights from June 2013. Thanks to everyone who read along and commented. Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community. Thank you! Overall, traffic was down slightly from May (12.09%). However, traffic was up 12.65% compared to a year ago. The top 10 posts included two book reviews and a post written by guest blogger Terrie Thorpe. If you missed any of these posts, I hope you’ll go and check them out now by clicking below. The post with the most engagement was More Than Words (#Riot140) posted on June 10, 2013.
Top 10 Posts:
- Is The Church In America Backwards? June 5, 2013 (106)
- Book Review: The Lamp Maker and The Potter (Cindy Starr Stewart) June 24, 2013 (75)
- Workplace Wisdom – Representing Christ In Our Response To Others June 26, 2013 (74)
- 7 Ways To Come Up With Blog Ideas June 18, 2013 (59)
- Ice Breaker – Book or Movie Recommendation June 28, 2013 (57)
- More Than Words (#Riot140) June 10, 2013 (56)
- Ice Breaker – Note To Self 20 Years Ago June 7, 2013 (55)
- 3 Ways To Set Appropriate Boundaries In Our Lives June 17, 2013 (53)
- Ten Things Every Small Group Leader Should Know March 7, 2012 (47)
- Book Review: When Work & Family Collide (@AndyStanley) June 11, 2013 and Moving Forward (Terrie Thorpe) June 4, 2013 (44)
Top 10 Commenters:
David Paul Stolpe (37)
Steve Y (19)
Larry Carter (17)
Dan Erickson (12)
Leah Adams (11)
Matt McWilliams (9)
Terrie (9)
Carol Peterson (7)
TCAvey (5)
Bill (cycleguy) (4)
As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from the top 10 commenters to receive a copy of Renegade by Vince Antonucci. Your chances of winning increased the more you commented and the higher you were on the list. This winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Dan Erickson. Congrats to Dan!
For the month of July, I’ll be giving away a copy of Kingdom Journeys: Rediscovering the Lost Spiritual Discipline by Seth Barnes. Again, the more you comment the higher your chances of winning.
Thanks to each and everyone for reading and for commenting. I’m looking forward to July with The Stretched Community! The month of July will include a few guest bloggers to help fill in the gap while I’m on vacation, and it also marks the final lead up into our families trip to Guatemala in early August. July should be a fun month!
How was your month? If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments? What was your favorite Stretched post this month? How were you STRETCHED in June?