Category Archives for "month in review"

March 2015 – Top Posts and Top Commenters


Here are the highlights from March 2015.  I’m changing it up and simplifying this month in review post.  Depending on the feedback, I may do away with this type of post in the months to come.  Thanks to everyone who read along and commented.  Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community.  Thank you!

Overall, traffic was down from February and down compared to a year ago.  Instead of going into all the particulars, I’ll leave you with the top posts and top commenters for the month.

If I’m being honest (which I always try to be), I’m a little disappointed to see the numbers dropping off.  However, I am reminded of the reasons for developing this blog in the first place.  It is a place for me to stretch first and foremost, and I hope it will stretch others in the process.  For this reason, I will keep writing here.  I feel a sense of inner and outer purpose through my daily posts.  As a numbers addict, I need to make sure I keep things in perspective.  If I strive for honest and quality, stretching content, the rest will take care of itself.  I’d love to hear from any of you have experienced similar ups and downs in your traffic.  In the meantime, I hope you’ll enjoy taking a look back at March 2015.

Top 10 Posts:

    1. 7 Habits That Build A Lasting Marriage
    2. Video Blog:  Table Topics – Spring and St. Patrick’s Day
    3. When Is It Time To Switch Jobs? (@WashburnWriter)
    4. 10 Benefits Of Taking Cold Showers
    5. 5 Ways To Improve Communications With Your Spouse
    6. Forced To Slow Down And Stretch
    7. Confessions Of A Leader Who Struggles With Delegation
    8. Ice Breaker – Snow Day
    9. 7 Ways To Live An Inspired Life
    10. 7 Delegations Posts To Stretch Your Leadership – Delegation Recap

Top 10 Commenters:

As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from the top commenters list to receive a copy of  On Track: Life Lessons from the Track & Field by ME!  The winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Lulu.  Congrats to Lulu!  (For the time being, I am putting the monthly book giveaway on hold.  If you’d like a copy of my book, please head to Amazon and purchase a copy.  Much appreciated!)

How was your month?  If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments?  What was your favorite Stretched post this month?  How were you STRETCHED in March?

February 2015 – Top Posts & Commenters Plus BOOK GIVEAWAY

Here are the highlights from February 2015.  Thanks to everyone who read along and commented.  Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community.  Thank you!

Overall, traffic was down from January (39.62%).  Traffic was up 75.13% compared to a year ago.  I made changes early this month to the URL link structure for my posts which contributed to changes in the traffic trends on the blog.  I expect it may take a couple of months to recover, but I think it was the right thing to do.  All the posts on the top ten list this month are from the month of February 2015, and three of the posts were related to my delegation series.  If you missed any of these posts, I hope you’ll go and check them out now by clicking below.  The posts with the most engagement were – Ice Breaker – Love Songs and January 2015 – Top Posts & Commenters Plus BOOK GIVEAWAY.

Top 10 Posts:

    1. 11 Keys To Delegation Success  (85)
    2. Confessions Of A Leader Who Struggles With Delegation  (76)
    3. 5 Ideas For Teaching Our Sons  (45)
    4. Short-Term Missions Survey Results – Part 1  (36)
    5. P Is For Presentation – 5 Steps To A Great Presentation  (34)
    6. January 2015 – Top Posts & Commenters Plus BOOK GIVEAWAY  (31)
    7. Ice Breaker – Love Songs  (29)
    8. Teach Us To Number Our Days  (27)
    9. Short-Term Missions Survey Results – Part 4  (23)
    10. 8 Things To Avoid When Delegating  (22)

Top 10 Commenters:

As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from the top commenters list to receive a copy of  On Track: Life Lessons from the Track & Field by ME!  The winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Dan Black.  Congrats to Dan!

For the month of March, I’ll be giving away another copy of On Track: Life Lessons from the Track & Field by ME! This month, the winner will be chosen randomly from the top 10 commenters.

Thanks to each and everyone for reading and for commenting.  I’m looking forward to February with The Stretched Community!  The month of February will include more STRETCHING posts.  The first part of the month will include additional posts on the topic of leadership and delegation.

If you’re interested in guest posting here, leave a comment to connect with me.

How was your month?  If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments?  What was your favorite Stretched post this month?  How were you STRETCHED in February?

In case you’re interested, here are a few other interesting stats about January (based on Google Analytics):

  • Users – Decreased 62.70%
  • Sessions – Decreased 40.41%
  • Pageviews – Decreased 38.99%
  • Pages Per Session – Increased 2.43%
  • Average Session Duration – Increased 5.00%
  • Bounce Rate – Decreased 4.76%
  • New Sessions –Decreased 12.34%

On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is now available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle.  Click the link below to get your copy today.

As a reminder, I am offering a FREE pdf copy of the interior of the book to subscribers of The Stretched Newsletter.  Head over to the main page of the blog and sign up on the right hand menu bar to get your copy today for FREE!

January 2015 – Top Posts & Commenters Plus BOOK GIVEAWAY

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Happy Groundhog Day!

(For my thoughts on Groundhog Day, click here.)

Here are the highlights from January 2015.  Thanks to everyone who read along and commented.  Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community.  Thank you!

Overall, traffic was up from December (1.44%).  Traffic was up 173.76% compared to a year ago.  The top 10 posts included posts from 2014.  Again, most of the posts were from late September and early October.  There was one post from February.  If you missed any of these posts, I hope you’ll go and check them out now by clicking below.  The post with the most engagement was one that didn’t make the top 10 list below – Ice Breaker New Year’s Goals.

Top 10 Posts:

    1. Experience The Supernatural  September 29, 2014 (385)
    2. 5 Things To Remember When We Say Or Do Something Stupid  February 12, 2014 (366)
    3. September 2014 – Top Posts and Commenters PLUS BOOK GIVEAWAY  October 1, 2014 (346)
    4. Redefine Rich  September 29, 2014 (253)
    5. 3 Steps To Take Before You Can Serve Effectively  September 30, 2014 (223)
    6. No Excuses!  October 2, 2014 (195)
    7. A Tribute To Grandma  October 8, 2014 (153)
    8. Ice Breaker – Homecoming  October 3, 2014 (153)
    9. Knowing God So We Can Make Him Known  October 9, 2014 (131)
    10. How To Have The Best Dreams  October 13, 2014 (121)

Top 10 Commenters:

As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from the top commenters list to receive a copy of  On Track: Life Lessons from the Track & Field by ME!  The winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Jon Stallings.  Congrats to Jon!

For the month of February, I’ll be giving away another copy of On Track: Life Lessons from the Track & Field by ME! This month, the winner will be chosen randomly from the top 10 commenters.

Thanks to each and everyone for reading and for commenting.  I’m looking forward to February with The Stretched Community!  The month of February will include more STRETCHING posts.  The first part of the month will include additional posts on the topic of leadership and delegation.

If you’re interested in guest posting here, leave a comment to connect with me.

How was your month?  If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments?  What was your favorite Stretched post this month?  How were you STRETCHED in January?

In case you’re interested, here are a few other interesting stats about January (based on Google Analytics):

  • Users – Increased 36.74%
  • Sessions – Decreased 1.89%
  • Pageviews – Decreased 2.30%
  • Pages Per Session – Decreased 0.48%
  • Average Session Duration – Decreased 4.76%
  • Bounce Rate – Increased 3.31%
  • New Sessions – Increased 8.68%

On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is now available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle.  Click the link below to get your copy today.

As a reminder, I am offering a FREE pdf copy of the interior of the book to subscribers of The Stretched Newsletter.  Head over to the main page of the blog and sign up on the right hand menu bar to get your copy today for FREE!

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