Book Review: Platform by Michael Hyatt
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt provides a step-by-step guide for getting people to listen to what you have to say. This book has been on my “To Read List” for sometime. I’m glad a finally got the chance to read Platform, and it will be a part of my library that I go back to again and again.
In Platform, Michael Hyatt writes over 50 chapters that will help readers get noticed in today’s social media driven world. Each of these chapters which reads like a blog post can stand alone but when put together provide a comprehensive look at growing your platform. As a fellow blogger, Michael Hyatt’s story and advice relate pretty well to my own platform. Even if you’re not a blogger, Hyatt’s knowledge can be applied to those who are creating a podcast, a book, a blog, or anything else that involves your voice.
Platform has definitely left me with lots to think about, and it’s an essential reference for bloggers, authors, and speakers. I’d recommend Platform to anyone who wants to get noticed in this noisy world.
How could establishing and growing your platform help you to get heard? What do you have to share that is worth being heard? What’s your platform? What would a platform make possible for you?