ADVENTure Day 6

candle on the christmas tree

Last night, our family spent some time decorating for Christmas.  We set up the tree.  We hung the stockings.  We put up the window decorations.  And we set up the Christmas Victorian Village.  Later this weekend, we’ll decorate the tree with ornaments, and we’ll set up our Nativity.

After 17 years of marriage and many years of parenting, we have developed systems for setting everything up.  As the kids have gotten older, the process as definitely become easier.

Our time of decoration is part of how our family prepares for Christmas, and it reminded me of something worth pondering today.

How are we preparing for Christmas?

And more importantly, how are we preparing for the second advent?

The Bible reminds us that we do not know the hour or the day when Christ returns.  If we are a Christ follower, I don’t think this is something to get worried about, BUT it’s a reminder of the importance of being ready at all times.  This may mean having our own spiritual houses in order, and I think it points to the urgency of sharing the message of Christ with others who don’t follow Him yet.

As you head into the weekend, I hope you’ll ponder this thought and decide on an ADVENTure action (or activity) that seems appropriate.  Don’t wait!

 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”  Matthew 24:36