ADVENTure Day 3


Did you ever stop to think about your role in this whole hope thing?

Seriously, you are a vessel of hope.

At Christmas time, people around you are going through all kinds of things.  While the Christmas season is supposed to be a happy and joyful time, it can actually be very painful to those who have lost love ones or lost contact with people.  Christmas can be a reminder of what someone doesn’t have – friends, family, relationships.  Christmas can also be a time when people dampen life’s realities by spending more money than they have on things they don’t need.

This is your big chance.  You can bring hope to someone this holiday season.

You Help Other People Everywhere (H.O.P.E.)!

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.  I Peter 3:15

ADVENTure Activity:  Find one way to bring hope to someone today.  Don’t wait for tomorrow.  Don’t wait for the perfect opportunity.  Jump in and sprinkle hope into someone’s life today.  Let us know how it worked out in the comments.

ADVENTure Question:  Is Christmas a happy time or painful time for you?  How can you be better prepared to share hope with others?