Writing About Guatemala

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Why do I write so much about Guatemala?

This is a great question.  I haven’t done the math, but I’m sure a large percentage of my posts before and after our trip to Guatemala last month have focused on this trip.  Here are some reasons:

  • Guatemala STRETCHED me!  This blog is all about processing my stretch marks.  There is so much to process when you embark on a trip like this.  I’ll continue to write about the trip as long as it keeps stretching me.
  • I don’t want to forget what I experienced in Guatemala.  As I get older, my memory doesn’t work as well.  Writing about our trip to Guatemala helps to preserve my memory.
  • My experience in Guatemala is worth sharing (at least I think so).  What makes my story different from the story that others have to share?  It’s my story.  While my trip may be similar to others who have gone to Guatemala – who even went on the same trip, it’s a little different, because we all come in with a little different perspective.  I love reading about other people’s trips to far away lands, and I hope you’ll find my story worth reading.
  • A short-term missions trip can be momentary, or it can be lasting.  I want my trip to be lasting.  I want to continue to have an impact in Guatemala even when I can’t be there in person.  Writing about our trip gives me an opportunity to share the stories of those we met and fell in love with in Guatemala.  And at some point, it may provide an opportunity to provide more financially to help the orphans and widows.
  • A book.  Yes, I’m thinking about it.  I’ve had several people ask me when I’m going to write a book.  It’s flattering and a little scary.  Would others people read it?  The blog provides a place for me to explore some of these thoughts.  Perhaps, the blog is even a rough draft for book material.  What do you think?
  • I hope my trip will challenge you.  I write the stretched blog with a hope and prayer that I might stretch others.  Whether I’m sharing about faith, family, leadership, or Guatemala, I want my words to be encouraging, challenging, inspiring, and STRETCHING.  I hope my story of Guatemala will challenge you to do something of significance for the people of Guatemala.  Maybe this means sponsoring a child in Xenacoj (more on that in a future post).  Maybe this means praying for the orphans and widows of this poor community.  Maybe this means reaching out to me to find other ways to help in Guatemala.  Maybe this means going with me to Guatemala on a future trip.  I’m not sure how my story will impact you, but I hope and pray that you will respond to the tug on your heart and the calling on your soul.  Don’t just read about my trip to Guatemala – DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

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I’ll continue to write about other things that are stretching me, but Guatemala will continue to have a place here on The Stretched Blog.

What do you think?  Are you tired of Guatemala?  Would you read a book about Guatemala written by me?  What topic (besides Guatemala) are you dying to hear from me?  Why do you write about the things you write about?