When You Are Least Expecting It
I don’t look at my book sales very often. I’ve learned that the numbers will be what they will be. For some reason, I decided to look at my book sales the other day, and I was surprised to see that copies of my first book (On Track – Life Lessons from the Track and Field) had “surged.”
“Surge” is in the eye of the beholder for sure, but it was a surge to me considering I released the book over four years ago in 2014, and I haven’t seen many sales recently especially with all the attention pointed to my recent book, Rooftop Reflections.
I’m guessing the “surge” in sales was either related to the spring track and field season or to a couple of generous people who decided to purchase several copies to give away (or both). Whatever, I was pleasantly surprised.
Creating is a labor of love. You create. Sometimes people love it, and sometimes they hate it. Most of the time, they simply don’t care. In other cases, you have an impact that goes beyond your life, your knowledge, or your understanding. I’ve seen this over and over again here on my blog. People from all over the world have connected with me through the comments or through some other connection point. I’ve seen some posts simply flop, and I’ve seen others repeatedly draw traffic.
I’ve recently returned to a more consistent blogging schedule (I don’t know if you noticed). While I hope my writing impacts others, I have learned that my writing impacts me too. The discipline of getting my thoughts out of my head and onto the screen (and perhaps into your eyes) has been extremely satisfying and rewarding.
All this to say, keep creating. If you’re a writer, keep writing. If you’re a musician, keep playing music. If you’re a builder, keep building amazing things.
Your creations pay tribute to our Creator. They tell a story about you. And you never know, they just might have an impact on others (even when you are least expecting it).