What Is Home?
The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.
Maya Angelou
This week, I’m not home. I’m out-of-town attending a leadership conference in Chicago and then visiting my brother’s family in Milwaukee.
I’m away from my home in Pennsylvania.
But I’m returning to my home in Illinois. I lived outside of Chicago until I was 8 years old.
Home is where the heart is.
Pliny the Elder
At least that’s what they say.
Home is where I feel a sense of belonging. It’s where I feel a connection with my past, my present, and my future.
Home is where I feel safe. It protects me from the storms of life. It keeps me warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and dry in the rain.
Home is where I feel a sense of purpose. Sure I need to branch out – to stretch – into the uncomfortable. But my first purpose is fulfilled when I’m a home.
Home is the nicest word there is.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
I feel at home when I’m in Schwenksville, Pennsylvania. I feel at home when I’m in Mt. Holly, New Jersey. I feel at home when I’m at my job in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. I feel at home when I’m in Grove City, Pennsylvania (where I went to college). I feel at home when I’m in Xenacoj in Guatemala.
I feel at home when I connect with others through my writing and speaking. I feel at home when I mow the lawn. I feel at home when I run the trails near my home or the treadmill at my gym.
There’s no place like home.
Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz
Despite these feelings, places, and experiences, I still have an ache – an empty spot – for home. When people pass away, others say “They went home.” This sometimes sounds cliché, but I think there’s something to it. We all have a longing for home that won’t truly be satisfied until we take up residence in our eternal home. Until then, I’m hanging onto the glimpses of home I experience in this life.
My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.
Billy Graham
What does home mean to you and where do you find it in your life?
This post was inspired by a fantastic video about bringing humanity to the homeless. I hope you’ll check it out below.