Stretched This Week … (week ending 03.26.2017)
We take in so much information throughout the week. If we don’t review this information from time to time, we’ll forget it. I want to make the most of the things that stretched me this week. This starts by taking note of the things I come across each week. Then it takes intentional time to review these notes. Finally, great information is meant to be shared. Here are some of the things that stretched me this week:
Quotes that stretched me this week:
“There is a right and a wrong in the universe, and that distinction is not hard to make.” Superman [via]
“We can be sure our prayers are answered precisely in the way we would want them to be answered if we knew everything God knows.” – Tim Keller [via]
“Nothing promotes reconciliation more than forgiveness. To forgive someone means to let him or her off the hook or to cancel a debt owed. When we refuse to forgive someone, we still want something from that person, and even if it is revenge that we want, it keeps us tied to the person forever.” – Dr. John Townsend and Dr. Henry Cloud [via Forgiveness Reading Plan –]
Scripture that stretched me this week:
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
What I’m reading now:
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy
Videos that stretched me:
Articles that challenged me:
How To Really Support Your Church by Jason Raitz
Articles I posted this week:
If you are looking to STRETCH yourself, sign up for the 7 Week Stretch Challenge. It’s FREE!