Stolpe Superbowl Scavenger Hunt

Our 1st Photo Stop of our Scavenger Hunt - PV Middle School West

On Saturday morning, our family was trying to pick a movie that we could all see together that night.  We couldn’t agree.  Leanne and I wanted to see Warhorse.  Hannah and Isaac didn’t want to see Warhorse.  Isaac wanted to see anything 3D.  Hannah didn’t offer any suggestions.  At the end of the discussion, I wasn’t real keen on spending a fair amount of money going to the theaters to see a movie that we didn’t all want to see.  So my brain started spinning…

Leanne and I wanted to make sure we had some quality family time.  How could we make this happen without breaking the bank?  For some reason, an idea popped in my head.  Why don’t we host a family scavenger hunt?  We could create a list that we could search for in our area.  We could invite other families to join in our fun.  And we could end the hunt with ice cream back at our house.  (Leanne says that my idea was just a plot to get ice cream.)

The idea seemed to interest everyone in the family, so we started calling around to some friends.  We even posted an invitation on Facebook.  A couple of families expressed interest initially, but the short notice was definitely a deterrent.  So…it was just us – The Stolpe Family.

The kids kept asking if we should just cancel the event.  Isaac was actually pretty grumpy as we piled in the car to start our scavenger hunt, but as the night went on our family began to have a fun time together.  We drove around within a 5-10 mile radius of our home gathering different items and taking family pictures at different locations.  We ended up at our local Dairy Queen where we enjoyed ice cream together (Leanne didn’t seem to mind the ice cream ending).  It was a fun night!  Next time, we’ll provide more notice, so other families can join in the fun.

Here are some of the items that were on our scavenger hunt list:

  • Moccia’s Train Stop takeout menu
  • 1971 penny
  • Family Picture at Perkiomen Valley Middle School West
  • Ortino’s takeout menu
  • chopsticks
  • Family Picture at Schwenksville Post Office
  • Chinese restaurant takeout menu
  • ketchup packet
  • Family Picture at Schwenksville Elementary School
  • Perkiomen Trail map

Did you do something fun this Superbowl weekend?  What creative family activities/ideas can you share to help the rest of the Stretched Community?