Renewal Through Trying Something New

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
Walt Disney
It’s easy to find ourselves in a rut or a routine that lulls us into an boring, mind-numbing existence. We find ourselves committed to our work and to our responsibilities at home. Then out of pure exhaustion, lack of energy, and simple laziness, we find ourselves falling into patterns that only drive us deeper into our ruts and routines. For me, this is the television. I often find myself collapsing on the couch after dinner and a busy day at work – perhaps looking for an escape for an hour before I head up to bed and do it all over again the next day.
We need a catalyst – an outside force – to wake us up from our zombie-like walk through life. I’ve discovered the catalyst we need is to simply try something new. The fifth challenge of the 7 Week Stretch Challenge is to “Try Something New.” Doing new things – something different – is a great way to stretch our minds and bodies and to jar us out of our ruts and routines. (To sign up for the 7 Week Stretch Challenge click HERE.)
I was recently reminded of this important truth when a friend invited me to a new platform called Clubhouse. It hasn’t been fully opened to the public yet, but I hear that it’s coming. I’m still learning about Clubhouse, but from what I have experienced so far it’s a new way of connecting and learning. Yesterday, I jumped into my first “room” led by Cliff Ravenscraft. It was truly exciting to meet new people and to see how Clubhouse works. I’ve already begun dreaming about how I might be able to use this platform to follow some of my passion areas like coaching young engineers, mentoring husbands and fathers, and helping other people succeed.
In this year of renew, it’s important for us to explore and open our eyes to new things around us. Drive a new way home from work tomorrow. Cook a new recipe for dinner sometime this week. Read a new book this month. Visit a new place this year.
What is one NEW thing you plan to try this week?
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)