Reflections on Yesterday…

While sitting on the lawn tractor last night for an hour and getting a little run in this morning, I’ve been reflecting about my day yesterday. There are a couple of things that hit me (probably more than that but two for right now).

First, I made my second appearance at a men’s Home Team (or small group), and I left challenged and encouraged. There were eight of us sitting around the tables, and I’m quite certain that we are all at different points in our spiritual lives and that we all have different areas in our lives where we struggle. During part of the conversation (and I don’t think I’m breaching any confidential agreements here), I shared that I believed our workplaces were mission fields. One of the guys spoke up immediately asking me how that was working for me – being a witness for Christ in my workplace. I was able to provide an answer on the spot about setting the tone through my actions. This is true; however, I’ve been pondering the question since then to see how I could be more effective. Great challenge!

Secondly, I fought out that there is another PK (pastor’s kid) in my department. We just hired this guy, so I don’t know him that well, but I was surprised by the news. His dad is pastoring at a Lutheran church up in the Lehigh Valley. I was struck by a comment that was made during this conversation by my new colleague (and I roughly quote): “I don’t like to talk about religion. There are two things you don’t talk about: religion and politics. If someone starts talking to me about this stuff, I tell them that I don’t want to talk about it.” Hmmm…. Is this my same attitude? I don’t think so; however, I did notice the volume of my voice dropping quite a bit as we had this conversation in the open cubicle environment that I work in. He also indicated that he doesn’t attend church regularly right now, but that he would probably return to it later in life once he started having a family. Why is this? I have many things cycling around in my head about this conversation. And I think it does tie together with my first reflection above.

Have you ever had experiences like these? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Until the next post, I’ll be reflecting…