May 2014 – Top Posts and Commenters Plus BOOK GIVEAWAY
Here are the highlights from May 2014. Thanks to everyone who read along and commented. Your readership and participation in the daily discussions are what make The Stretched Community. Thank you!
Overall, traffic was down from April (23.76%). Traffic was down 34.69% compared to a year ago. Obviously, this isn’t the best trend. I think a lot of it has to do with general busyness in my life and a lack of post promotion on my part. It’s a tough balance. I obviously want The Stretched Community to grow, but I want to make sure my attention is in the right direction. I wrote a post earlier this month about promoting the right platform (Are You Building The Right Platform?). This remains my top priority. I trust the other numbers will take care of themselves. The top 10 posts included two posts from 2012 and two posts from 2013. If you missed any of these posts, I hope you’ll go and check them out now by clicking below. The post with the most engagement was a post related to my book project from May 21, 2014 – 4 Take Homes from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
Top 10 Posts:
- Ten Things Every Small Group Leader Should Know March 7, 2012 (90)
- I’m Losing My Patients – 6 Ways To Rediscover Patience April 2, 2013 (66)
- Ice Breaker – Cheese June 15, 2012 (65)
- 3 Reasons to Practice the Discipline of Unplugging May 29, 2014 (40)
- 4 Take Homes from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty May 21, 2014 (37)
- My Stretch Speech May 28, 2014 (34)
- My “I Made It Moment” May 12, 2014 (34)
- The Truth About Unconditional Love (Catherine Lee Daugherty) July 8, 2013 (30)
- Opportunity Beyond Your Wildest Dreams May 22, 2014 (27)
- 3 Keys To Developing Your Team May 7, 2014 (27)
Top 10 Commenters:
- Larry Carter (20)
- Steve Y (18)
- David Paul Stolpe (13)
- sespring (6)
- Joe Lalonde (4)
- TNeal (4)
- Leah Adams (3)
- Heidi Bender (3)
- Coach Brown (3)
- Dan Erickson (3)
As promised at the beginning of the month, I have randomly chosen someone from the top commenters list to receive a copy of Losing the Mask: Overcoming the Fear of Failure
by Diane Karchner. The winner of this book is…(drum roll)…Larry Carter. Congrats to Larry!
For the month of June, I’ll be giving away a copy of A Train Called Forgiveness by Dan Erickson. This month, the winner will be chosen randomly from the top 10 commenters.
Thanks to each and everyone for reading and for commenting. I’m looking forward to June with The Stretched Community! The month of June will include more STRETCHING posts. If you’re interested in guest posting here, leave a comment to connect with me. I am specifically starting to collect guest posts to feature while I am in Guatemala in July. Please help me fill this space with your stretch stories and stretch challenges for The Stretched Community. June should be another great month!
How was your month? If you’re a blogger share a link to your top post in the comments? What was your favorite Stretched post this month? How were you STRETCHED in May?
In case you’re interested, here are a few other interesting stats about May (based on Google Analytics):
- Users – Decreased 23.69%
- Sessions – Decreased 24.07%
- Pageviews – Decreased 25.37%
- Pages Per Session – Decreased 1.79%
- Average Session Duration – Remained the same
- Bounce Rate – Increased 4.20%
- New Sessions – Decreased 0.02%
Positively, book sales of On Track generally increased over the month of May. Paperback sales were up 152.94%, and Kindle version sales were up 53.85%. Don’t forget to tell your friends to pick up their copy of On Track. If you are interested in ordering a signed copy of On Track, contact me. I am accepting special orders. I am also considering the possibility of a book signing/book release event. If this is something that interests you, let me know. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is now available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle. Click the link below to get your copy today.
As a reminder, I am offering a FREE pdf copy of the interior of the book to subscribers of The Stretched Newsletter. Head over to the main page of the blog and sign up on the right hand menu bar to get your copy today for FREE!