Learning To Embrace Life’s Milestones
Life goes by pretty fast.
This was so obvious to me this weekend.
Leanne and I took the day off on Friday, and we took the kids out of school for the day, so we could pay a visit to Messiah College and Grove City College for Hannah’s first college visits. This hardly seems possible. It’s a little early as Hannah is finishing up her sophomore year in high school, but we had some connections at Grove City College, and the timing was right to begin this journey.
The weekend was spectacular. Both of the visits went very well. We felt welcomed at these beautiful campuses.
I remember visiting Grove City College with my Dad. It was the summer, so there weren’t any students on campus. I didn’t know very much about the school, but there was something that seemed to fit just right when I visited to the school. My Dad and I drove seven hours to and from the school which gave us opportunity to talk about the college and about the college decision. I remember my interview in Crawford Hall. And I remember a feeling of excitement and fear. I’d imagine this is what Hannah was feeling this weekend.
I need to get my parents perspective on the whole college visiting, selection, and sending process. I’m starting to understand that there was probably a mix of thoughts and feelings related to the whole thing. On the one hand, there is such excitement. Our daughter will be ready for this. She is smart. She is a hard worker. She is well-rounded. And she is becoming more and more independent. On the other hand, there is a mix of feelings that include fear and sadness. How could it be that we are looking at colleges already? Why does it seems like life goes by so fast? Once we send Hannah to college, I know that things will change forever. Am I really ready for this change?
Life is full of milestones. These milestones represent a life well-lived. It’s not always easy approaching these milestones. It can be scary, and it can be thrilling. Yet, we must learn to embrace these milestones. These are the things that STRETCH us. These milestones cause us to grow, and they take us to new places in life.
I’m thankful we still have a couple of years before Hannah goes to college. I want to make the most of the opportunities during these years. I want to celebrate at her track meets. I want to soak in the sound of her orchestra concerts. I want to watch (and help) as she approaches some challenging decisions along the way. And in just over two years, I want to rejoice as we send her off to college to learn and experience new things.
What milestone are you facing soon? What thoughts or feelings are you experiencing about this milestone?
On Track – Life Lessons from the Track & Field is now available on Amazon in paperback and for Kindle. Click the link below to get your copy today.
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