Leap of Faith

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be inserting some of the top posts from the Stretched blog.  The post today (Leap of Faith) originally appeared on the blog on March 21, 2012 and was the fifth most popular post of the year.  In a way, this post was the jumping off point for some life changing decisions and experiences in my own life.  I’m excited to repost this and get new feedback from you – The Stretched Community.

I’ve been wrestling with a decision for a while now. The decision is a big deal for me. I see so many reasons to go a certain direction with the decision, but I grapple with my own fears and anxiety that would keep me from going in that direction.

I’ve talked with a few people about the decision. These are godly people whose wisdom and opinion I respect. Each of them have encouraged me to put aside my fears and to take a leap of faith.

What is faith?

Faith is trusting in things we can’t see, in things we can’t control, and in power beyond us. Faith is about dreaming big. Faith is believing that everything will be okay in the end even when we can’t see the way right in front of us. Faith is being able to put aside our fears – or maybe to face our fears – and trust that God will take care of things. Faith can help us break the paralysis of analysis inflicted by life’s anxieties. Faith is more than just words – it’s followed by actions.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

As I was thinking about faith and about my decision, this clip from Indian Jones and The Last Crusade came to mind. In the scene, Indiana Jones must get from one side of a chasm to the other side. When he arrives at the edge, there’s no apparent way to get across. Through his study of ancient literature and archaeology, Indiana Jones comes to the conclusion that the only way across the gaping pit is to take a step of faith. This is exactly how I feel as I head into my decision.

Isn’t this a great clip? You see, in life, we have decisions to make that require faith. Which college should I go to and what should my major be? Who should I marry? Where should I live? Where should I work? Where should I go to church? Should we have kids? You get the idea. Our lives are riddled with decisions that require faith. We have to trust that as we step into the great unknown, God will catch us. And that’s where I’m at with my decision.

Stay tuned for more details about my “big decision.”

What leap of faith do you need to take right now? What’s holding you back?

To read about my “big decision“, click here for a post that appeared on March 22, 2012.