Ice Breaker – Vacation Destination

This week has been a bit confusing with the holiday stuck right in the middle of the work week.  Yesterday felt like a Monday despite the fact that it was really Thursday.  Just to be clear, today is Friday.  And you know what that means?  It’s time for the weekly Stretched Ice Breaker.  Ice breakers are questions designed to help us get to know each other. I ask a question and give you my answer.  Then you answer the question by leaving a comment.

Since I’m heading out for a week of family vacation, this week’s question is related to vacation.  Here goes!

Question:. Thinking back on your past vacations, what is one of your most favorite vacation destinations?

My Answer:. Hawaii was pretty incredible, but that was several years ago.  One of my more recent favorites was Vermont.  A couple of years ago, my family had the privilege of staying at Smugglers Notch.  I’m assuming that this must be a pretty happening place during ski season. But we went during the summer, and we had a blast.  We swam in the four or five different swimming pools, we hiked to the top of two of the three mountain peaks, and we road our bikes to Stowe.  We also enjoyed factory tours of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream factory and Cabot cheese factory.  Summer is a great time to visit Vermont!

Now, it’s your turn. Let’s hear your answer to this week’s ice breaker question. Leave your answer in the comments, so we can all enjoy!