Ice Breaker – Made For The Movies
Happy Friday! You know what that means? It’s time for this week’s Stretched Ice Breaker. If you’re new around here or you’ve just missed the last several month’s of Friday posts on The Stretched Blog, ice breaker questions are designed to help us get to know each other – to break the ice so to speak. I ask a question, and I give my answer. Then it’s your turn to chime in.
Are you ready?
Okay, here goes: If they made a movie about your life, who would play your part? Would the movie be a comedy, an action flick, drama, romance, or something else?
My answer: Jim Carrey. He’s tall, reasonably handsome, and has a sense of humor. Yes, his humor is probably at a different level than mine, but I still think it would be interesting. Instead of thinking Ace Ventura Pet Detective or Bruce Almighty, think The Majestic. In this movie, Carrey played a more serious/romantic role.
As for the type of movie, I guess I’d go with a dramatic comedy with some great romance. These are all elements that play out in my real life experience.
That’s enough from me. Now it’s your turn. How would you answer today’s ice breaker question? Share your answer in the comments.