Honor Older People
Show respect to the elderly, and honor older people. In this way you show respect for your God. I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:32
Look around you. I’m guessing you’re not the oldest person on your street. There’s probably someone on your block who would be considered elderly. If not, look around again. I’m sure you don’t have to go all that far from your house to find an elderly person.
I’m not sure what the age requirements are to be considered elderly, but to be safe I have an idea: Anyone who is older than you is your elder. According to Leviticus, they are to be honored and respected.
This week, I learned that an elderly man on my street passed away last month. If you’ve been hanging around the blog for a long time, you may remember the story of George. In the fall of 2007, a friend of mine and I had an opportunity to Pay It Forward for George when we built a ramp at his house to make it easier for him to get in and out of his house with his electronic wheel chair. (Click here to read the post.)
Leanne and I have checked in on George a few times over the years. We’ve brought him cookies for Christmas. And we’ve stopped by just to sit and chat with George on his deck. Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen him less and less as he’s stayed inside more.
We’ve also become busier with the activities of our family. What a poor excuse!
The Bible talks about respecting the elderly, and it commands Christ followers to look after widows and orphans.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
Here’s the problem: we let life’s busyness get in the way of following through on God’s direction for our lives.
Maybe a pause from our busyness is just what we need to see the people right down our street who need a helping hand.
God, Open my eyes to those around me who need Your hope, Your truth, and Your love.