Helping Everyone Starts By Helping Someone

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”  Ronald Reagan

Many complain that things need to change.  We know people who are unemployed.  We see people who are struggling to put the next meal on the table.  We live next to people who are facing an uphill health challenge.  We hear about people who have strained family relationships.  The list goes on.  People are hurting.  People are struggling.  People are simply trying to make it through the day.  They are hopeless.

This is true all around you and me – even in the opulence of America.

What’s the answer to all the hurt, struggle, and hopelessness?

The ultimate answer is Christ.

I guess I could end the post here, but I believe God can use each of us to make a difference in this world.

There are things that we as individuals can do.

So why don’t more people get involved to help out?  Perhaps, we feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of people who need help.  Maybe, we don’t know where to start.  Or, we think someone else or even the government is the answer to the hopelessness.  Maybe, we just don’t care, or we don’t believe it’s anyone’s responsibility to help those who won’t help themselves.

What if we looked in the mirror?  What if each one of us looked next door to see how we could bring hope to our hurting neighbor?  What if each of us took action to help someone in need?  What if we took responsibility to help someone?

I think we could actually see a tidal wave of change.

If each of us was willing to help someone else, we can help everyone.

What do you think?