Guatemala – The Big Ask

Two weeks ago, I told you that I made a “Leap of Faith” decision to go to Guatemala this summer with my daughter and other teenagers and leaders from our church.  I’m starting to get excited about the trip, the opportunity to hang out with my daughter, and the chance to serve others in Guatemala.  This is a “leap of faith” decision for several health and logistics reasons, but it is also a “leap of faith” decision for financial reasons as well.  I’ll share more about that in a minute, but I wanted to share with you first about what we’ll be doing in Guatemala.  Check out this short video to get a small glimpse into how we’ll be serving this summer.

Sounds pretty amazing!  Right?

Here’s where the big ask comes in.  I need your support to make this happen.  First and foremost, I need your prayers.  Pray for safety at home, in travel, and on the ground in Guatemala.  Pray for effectiveness in the ministry that we will have with the people of Guatemala.  Pray for God to move in my life and in the lives of those on our team as we take this adventure.  Second, I’d like to ask you to consider how you might be able to support this trip.  I need to raise $1,300 to make this trip possible.  This will pay for my airfare, food, and lodging.  While this may seem like a big goal, I know it’s possible through God.  In fact, I’d like to add a STRETCH goal to this.  I’d like to see if together The Stretched Community can raise an additional $5,000 to support a special project down in Guatemala.  I’ll have more details about that in the coming weeks, but I thought I should throw it out there.  This is part of the STRETCHING experience.

So how can you help?

Consider advertising here on The Stretched Blog.  All proceeds for advertising will be used to fund this trip and for this special STRETCH project.  You can click on the Advertise Here links on the main page, or contact me about doing something different.  You can also click on the Google AdSense links and Amazon Associate links that can be found on the main page.  Every dollar earned through these programs will go to the trip and the STRETCH project.  I guess another way is to consider donating to the project.  I haven’t quite figured out how to make this work yet, but I’d certainly welcome any cash gifts that would make this trip possible.  (Drop me a comment if you’ve got any ideas or want to pass along any donations.)  In the coming days, I’ll add some time of goal thermometer on the main page to help you keep track of where we stand with the goal.

I know it’s a big ask.  Honestly, it’s a bit awkward to even ask.  But I know that with faith like a mustard seed there are mountains that can be moved.  And so I throw it out there to the Stretched Community.

One more thing, pass this along to your family and friends who you think would be interested in making a difference for the people of Guatemala.  Thanks!

What’s the hardest question you’ve ever asked?