Leap of Faith Continued (The Decision)
So I kind of left you hanging yesterday when I shared about my “big decision” and about my wrestling matching between my fears and my leap of faith. I wanted to share today about my decision.
After a lot of thought and prayer, some pushing and prodding, and some great advice from a few trusted friends and family members, I’ve decided to join Hannah (my daughter) on a missions trip to Guatemala. This summer, I will be joining our church’s high school missions team as they head to Guatemala to serve with A.I.M. (Adventures in Missions). I don’t know all the details yet, but I know we’ll be there for eight days.
So why was this decision such a big deal to me? After all, going on a missions trip with my daughter sounds like a great idea. Right? Well, yes it does. And lots of people take trips like this. I know the trip will cost money, and I don’t know where that’s coming from yet, but I’m trusting that God will provide (I’m trying to figure out how to use The Stretched Blog and The Stretched Community to help). My bigger worry is about leaving home for eight days. You may remember that we had to cancel a planned trip to Kenya a couple of years ago due to some family health issues. These health issues have improved dramatically, but I still carry some of the fear and anxiety of that time period. This makes the decision more challenging for me.
As I was discussing my decision with a good friend a couple of days ago, he pointed out that I had faith that God would provide the financial resources to make the trip possible. Shouldn’t I also have faith that God would take care of things at home while I was away? This point really hit home for me. And so I’m making this leap of faith to Guatemala – trusting that God will provide both financially and health-wise.
I’m excited to share more of this journey with The Stretched Community in the coming days, weeks, and months. Stay tuned to keep up with this leap of faith.
How or where are you taking a leap of faith these days? Have you ever been to Guatemala?