Guatemala Photo Of The Day – Working Into The Night On The First Work Day

If it looks like it’s getting close to nighttime in this photo, it’s because it’s getting close to nighttime when this picture was taken.

Our typical work day started on the job site between 8 AM and 8:30 AM.  We would usually take a break for lunch and siesta around 1:00 PM.  We started back to work between 3:30 PM and 4 PM, and we worked until we couldn’t see very well any longer – typically 6:30 PM to 7 PM.

In this picture we’re trying to install the last few pieces of wood on the wood side of the house.  The natural light is actually being blocked by a coffee plant which is right on the side of the house.  The close proximity of the coffee plant to the house coupled with the handmade ladder made it a challenge to navigate the side of the house.
