Category Archives for "video"

18th Anniversary of 18

Today, I am celebrating the 18th anniversary of my 18th birthday. Okay, actually I turned 36 today. I am now closer to 70 than I am to birth. That sounds a little gloomy when you put it that way, so that’s why I like thinking of it as the 18th anniversary of my 18th birthday.

At any rate, I really have had a great day today. I woke up to breakfast in bed provided by my two great kids. I hung-up the Christmas ornaments which is a separate post in itself. I attended Isaac’s second basketball game at the YMCA this afternoon. And tomorrow Leanne is taking me to see Jim Brickman in concert. I have truly been blessed.

All this birthday stuff always leaves me a little contemplative. This is the first year that I am not celebrating my birthday with my Grandpa Stolpe who passed away in February. I have accomplished a lot and grown quite a bit over the past year, and I look forward to an exciting year ahead.

It’s easy to wish time away as we look forward to the next weekend, the next holiday, or the next big vacation. What I have learned is that it’s important to live in the present while we celebrate the past and look forward with hope to the future. Last night, Leanne and I literally clicked back and forth between CBS’s Movies Rock and a showing of one of my favorite movies Click starring Adam Sandler. The clip of the movie below is a touching reminder of the importance of loving our families and keeping our priorities straight. Enjoy!


Until the next post, I’ll be enjoying what is going on now…

Field of Dreams

If you know very much about me, you’ll know that my favorite movie of all time is Field of Dreams. The whole movie is great. But the scene below without question is my favority scene in a movie. I have great memories of having catches in the front and back yard with my dad. I have started to create these memories now with my own son. I am realizing more and more than this whole parenting thing goes by way to quickly. It’s important for us to take time to enjoy the simple pleasures with our kids – like having a catch.

Until the next post, this isn’t heaven; it’s Pennsylvania…

Facing the Giants

Here is a clip from the movie that I saw last night. I want to be the kind of leader that gives my all in my home, in my church, in my work, in my everything. This clip from the movie demonstrates what I’m talking about. As mentioned in my previous post, Facing the Giants is a movie worth watching.


Until the next post, face the giants in your life giving it your all…

Jesus Paid It All

Yesterday, our worship band led us in the song below. I’ve been singing it all day today. It is incredible to know that God can rescue us and pay the debt that we owe. Listen to the words. Sing along. Be inspired. And worship the one true God.

Can't We All Just Get Along?

One of my favorite movies of all time is Remember the Titans. Here’s one of the great scenes from the movie.

This Is The Truth

Check out this video. Our church used a similar clip during communion this week. It is pretty powerful.

Revenge of the Nerds

Check out the link to the KJ-52 rap video below. The song reminds me of my high school days a bit – first, because my buddy Brian Willem and I used to enjoy and write our own wraps; second, because I probably fit into the nerd category at times during these high school days. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.