18th Anniversary of 18

Today, I am celebrating the 18th anniversary of my 18th birthday. Okay, actually I turned 36 today. I am now closer to 70 than I am to birth. That sounds a little gloomy when you put it that way, so that’s why I like thinking of it as the 18th anniversary of my 18th birthday.

At any rate, I really have had a great day today. I woke up to breakfast in bed provided by my two great kids. I hung-up the Christmas ornaments which is a separate post in itself. I attended Isaac’s second basketball game at the YMCA this afternoon. And tomorrow Leanne is taking me to see Jim Brickman in concert. I have truly been blessed.

All this birthday stuff always leaves me a little contemplative. This is the first year that I am not celebrating my birthday with my Grandpa Stolpe who passed away in February. I have accomplished a lot and grown quite a bit over the past year, and I look forward to an exciting year ahead.

It’s easy to wish time away as we look forward to the next weekend, the next holiday, or the next big vacation. What I have learned is that it’s important to live in the present while we celebrate the past and look forward with hope to the future. Last night, Leanne and I literally clicked back and forth between CBS’s Movies Rock and a showing of one of my favorite movies Click starring Adam Sandler. The clip of the movie below is a touching reminder of the importance of loving our families and keeping our priorities straight. Enjoy!


Until the next post, I’ll be enjoying what is going on now…