Category Archives for "advertisement"

Announcing The Winners Of The Free Advertising Experiment

Last week, I announced an experiment of sorts.  I mentioned that I was going to give free advertising spots on The Stretched Blog main page to three worthy candidates who best answered a question about why the The Stretched Blog would be a good place to promote their blog.  I’m happy to say that I received several worthy “entries”, and I’m excited today to announce the winners of this experiment.

The winners include Michael Shaw, Joe Lalonde, and Bill Grandi.  I have finalized the ad spots with two of the winners which you can see on the main page  (and you can preview below).  And I should have the third ad finalized in the next few days.  Stop back on the main page of the blog to see the ad for Bill’s blog.  Please click on their links and check out their blogs.  All three of these bloggers have become good friends over the past year, and they each have a different twist on their writing which I’m proud to share with The Stretched Community.  Thanks again to everyone who supports the blog.  I”m excited to see how this experiment finishes out!

Do you advertise on your blog?  Do you advertise on other blogs?  What has been the impact of advertising on your blogging experience?  (For more information on advertising on The Stretched Blog, click here.)

Experiment: Free Advertising On The Stretched Blog

Many aspects of blogging are an experiment.  Picking the right theme.  Choosing the right layout.  Deciding on a catchy title for the whole blog or for just a blog post.  In some ways, I feel like a scientist as I daily work on the craft of writing.  Yesterday’s experiment proved to be worth while.  The experiment involved guest posting over at Jeremy Statton’s blog (Living Better Stories) and hosting guest blogger Kevin Haggerty (TheIsleOfMan.Net).  Yesterday, The Stretched Blog experienced its single biggest day of traffic to date.  (If you haven’t done so already check out those two posts titled Rediscovering My Dream and Learning To Count To Five.)

With this in mind, I’d like to try another experiment today.  Are you ready?

I’d like to offer three free advertising spots that will go on the right hand menu bar of my main page.  I will select the “winners” of the spots based on response to this post.  All you need to do is tell me why you think The Stretched Blog would be a good place to promote your blog.  I’ll choose the three winners, and I’ll reach out to you via e-mail to coordinate the actual advertisement.  I can probably help out a little with creating the advertisement, but I’m hoping that you might already have an idea that would fit in this spot.  The spots will be 125 x 125.  I’ll announce the winners in a few days.  Sound good?  Let’s try it!

Why do you think The Stretched Blog would be a good place to promote your blog?

How are you experimenting on your blog these days?