Call Me Gumby (Carol Peterson)
Today, Carol Peterson shares her STRETCH thoughts while I’m on vacation. Carol is guest blogging as part of The Network. For more information about Carol, check out her bio at the end of the post. After you read her post and add your comment, I hope you’ll go check out her blog!
Toward the end of June I dropped Jon a line and told him I’d write something “stretchy” for this site. Instantly, a big green Gumby with my face on it appeared in my head.
Gumby—that guy from the 60s made of green rubber. Pull his leg and it bounces back in place. He’s flexible. He stretches to the fullest and then springs into shape even if things get a little too stretchy. Because Gumby teaches us that we can stretch. And even if life gets twisted, we’ll still be alright in the end.
But Gumby is not like Mr. Fantastic of Marvel comic book fame. No, Gumby, is the nerdy, folksy guy we loved before we knew about super heroes. He’s a regular guy. A t-shirt sold online has Gumby’s picture on it saying: The original Mr. Nice Guy.
Because, have you ever seen Gumby when he’s not smiling? And waving?
Gumby makes me want to be a nice guy, too. I can’t be the original Mr. Nice Guy because Jesus claimed that role before the beginning of time. But I can try to be Christ-like. And sometimes that means—like Gumby—I smile and wave at people to give them a cheery hello and a “have a nice day.” Really—have a NICE day. And is there anything I can do to help make it nicer?
It also means being green. Not green as in environmentally responsible, although that’s good, too. But green, as in fresh and full of life. Living life to the fullest and keeping the smile on my face while doing it. Having a childlike freshness to my faith. And sharing that faith with others.
So today as I think about what it means to be stretched, I have decided I want to live like Gumby—flexible, friendly and green. I hope next time you see me; you’ll smile, wave and call me Gumby. I’d like to call you Gumby, too.
In what way do you need to be more like Gumby today?
Carol Peterson’s mission in writing is to educate, entertain, and inspire. Her published books provide busy teachers with creative ways to help assure compliance with curriculum standards. Her first self-published book helps folks study the Bible, because the Bible is even better when you know what it says. Her blog From Carol’s Quill ( encourages faith in Jesus.